Tools: Articulate Rise and Adobe Premiere Pro.
Time: 4 days
Summary: When communicating over email, etiquette and the overall tone of our emails acts as our body language, accompanying the words we say to craft an overall message. As the number of emails sent throughout the company increases, so does the need to go back to the fundamentals.
Challenge: At Media Inc. (fictional company), the IT department noticed in uptick in unprofessional email communication. This sloppy email technique was spilling over to clients and poses a legal risk if emails are subpoenaed or a Freedom of Information Act request is submitted.
Solution: I created course to review and access the basics of email etiquette. Throughout the course, I used a combination of information, interactive elements, and a real-world scenario to refresh learners on the etiquette of replying all, the subject line, salutation, text language, and signature.
Increased Engagement- This course received a higher completion rate by employees than the past five trainings put out this year.
Improved Communication - After completing the training, the IT department, noticed a decrease in the amount of text language, unprofessional subject lines, and .gifs sent over email.
Click HERE to view.
Tools: Articulate Storyline, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Adobe Photoshop.
Time: 5 days
Summary: To save time and increase quality of department presentations, this 360 experience breaks down the elements of design needed to create a template for use department or company wide. This is a microlearning that could be scaled to include understanding a branding guide, finding copyright free images to add to your slide, how to remove the background from logos/photos without using Photoshop, and uploading your final design in PowerPoint as a background, to create a template for others to use.
Challenge: At DesignCorp (fictional company), departments were seeing an increase of productivity, as employees spent too much time on design or came in with blank, unprofessional slides for training or meeting presentations. The departments need to create a template to increase efficiency and design value to use internally and with clients.
Solution: I created an interactive image, with embedded courses. This way, the learning content is in one place, and users can click in any order to work on as needed.
Increased Efficiency - After completing the training, each department worked together to create a template PowerPoint presentation to use going forward on all company presentation materials.
Improved Communication - Team members are easily able to share the presentation with each other and work on parts that match the whole when combining data and figures for their team to present to a client or manager.